State Seals of Biliteracy are official recognitions of high school graduates in the United States who have demonstrated high levels of proficiency in at least one language other than English.

Attainment of a Seal can serve as a testament to a student's linguistic and intercultural competence. This award program helps students expand their employment possibilities and enhance their college applications. In some states, award recipients earn free college credit.

Policies and rules regarding the Seal differ by state. This website provides necessary tools and information to students, parents, educators, and employers to navigate state programs. The goal is to spread awareness of the Seal and to foster greater equity and access to this award nationwide.

Resources by Language



Determine if you are ready to take a language assessment, access practice tests, and learn about the benefits of biliteracy

Prepare to implement and advance the Seal programs at your school or school district with customizable tools and resources

Explore how you can facilitate your student's language learning and help them succeed in attaining an award

What does a Seal award tell employers about a potential employee's language skills?

How do Seal award levels compare to established ACTFL proficiency levels?

Resources by State

Currently, all 50 states have adopted the Seal of Biliteracy. State-specific information can be found on